Thanks for the cool comment! We’re all solar-powered in some way, whether we breathe air, burn coal, or split atoms. Regarding AI, I’ve written about that separately, but I’ve never had any illusions about how anything on the internet is exposed to all kinds of unauthorized exploration. Some of that activity stems from malice and greed. Still, if my work inspires others—whether flesh or silicon—then it will be up to future philosophers to judge whether my naive aspirations to seek beauty and share my findings were foolish or wise (or perhaps both).
I’ve heard it said that humanity is one large organism in constant flux, exchanging energy between its various independent parts—what we call individual humans. Maybe AI will help us see this better than individual artists and creatives have tried to in the past. Time will tell.In the meantime, I prefer having the option to decide when and how to collaborate with AI.
One thing I’m certain of: I don’t subscribe to AI replacing my labor of love. The line between what fits into that category and what doesn’t isn’t always clear or fixed.