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Secretive Project Q* — Altman Pushing Back the Veil of Ignorance

OpenAI Makes Technological Leap in AI’s Reasoning — But Is It AGI?

Cezary Gesikowski
7 min readNov 23, 2023
image: screen capture by the author of Sam Altman Open AI CEO Sam Altman participating in a discussion on artificial intelligence with James Manyika, SVP of Research, Technology & Society, Google, and Chris Cox, CPO, Meta.

“A computer would deserve to be called intelligent if it could deceive a human into believing that it was human.” — Alan Turing, the inventor of the Turing Test

When Sam Altman, the recently ousted and fast re-instated CEO of OpenAI, spoke of witnessing ‘the veil of ignorance being pushed back’ during a recent APEC summit, few read this as a major step towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). But the cause of recent events at OpenAI amplified whispers about Project Q*(pron. Q-Star) have now turned into loud and contentious debates in the AI community. While Project Q*, a ground-breaking advancement in the AI sector, is proclaimed a giant leap in AI’s reasoning capabilities, it is unlikely the AGI singularity we’ve been waiting for. This article aims to demystify the technological intricacies of Project Q* and its significance in the larger AI landscape.

AI Hype Is Best Served Hot

“We are not currently training what will be GPT-5; we don’t have plans to do it in the next 6 months.” Sam Altman, OpenAI CEO, testifying before Senate Judiciary Committee under oath



Cezary Gesikowski
Cezary Gesikowski

Written by Cezary Gesikowski

Human+Artificial Intelligence | Photography+Algography | UX+Design+Systems Thinking | Art+Technology | Philosophy+Literature | Theoria+Poiesis+Praxis

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