OpenAI Exposed: The Transformation to “ClosedAI” Uncovered!

A tongue-in-cheek exploration of OpenAI’s evolution and its impact on the tech community

Cezary Gesikowski
4 min readApr 16, 2023
Stable Diffusion 1.5 + Photoshop

The OpenAI Controversy

It all started with a Y-combinator Hacker News story exploring the transformation of OpenAI to what many have jokingly referred to as “ClosedAI.” It claimed that many people believe the company’s name has been misleading for quite some time. As the AI industry continues to grow, this issue becomes increasingly important, but it doesn’t mean we can’t dive into the debate with a humorous yet curiously informative take. Who said you can’t laugh and think at the same time?

The Origins of “ClosedAI”

The founders of OpenAI reportedly had good intentions when starting the company, but the open business model didn’t work out, forcing them to pivot to a more closed model. This has led to confusion and criticism, with some suggesting that the government should step in and force the company to change its name under truth in advertising laws.

Additionally, some tech experts have argued that it’s their responsibility to not propagate deceptive information, especially regarding something as influential as AI. They are serious and wear expensive hoodies, and fancy socks in custom-fit sneakers. Some have taken to calling the company “ClosedAI” as a form of protest, aiming to raise awareness and spark conversation around the issue. And who in Silicon Valley doesn’t like to bask in a glow of a good roast of the hottest ticket in town?

Examples of Misleading Names: iPhone and Beyond

But wait, while we’re at it, another example of a potentially misleading name is the “iPhone.” While the name has non-nefarious origins, it can be argued that it’s still subtly misleading in an Orwellian way. Apple has control over the software and code that runs on the device, making it less of a personal phone and more of an Apple-controlled device. The iPhone example raises questions about the importance of software freedom and the impact of branding on consumer understanding. Although the ‘i’ is lowercase, so maybe it stands for ‘ay’ like in ‘ay ay captain!’

The Impact on “Open” Terminology

The evolution of OpenAI has also caused damage to the term “open” itself. The company’s transition to a more closed model has blurred the lines between “open source,” “source-available,” and “freemium SaaS” products. This confusion could lead to challenges for genuinely open-source projects, like OpenOffice and LibreOffice, in distinguishing themselves from closed-source alternatives. Even my open closet appears slightly confused about its status.

The Satirical Twist: and the Vice Article

Why not? The website will hijack visitors cleverly redirecting them to this Vice article, which highlights the issues surrounding OpenAI’s transformation with a seriousness worthy of attention. It’s important to note that the ClosedAI website and the discussion surrounding it is a humorous take on a serious topic. It is a joke. It is not real. It is going to get comments debunking its authenticity… I can feel it! No?

Possibility of Thought-Provoking Laughter

While the ClosedAI story is primarily satirical, it raises essential questions about the importance of transparency, ethics, and branding in the tech industry. As AI continues to influence our lives, both consumers and tech professionals must be aware of the implications of these issues and engage in thoughtful conversations about the future of technology. And there is nothing funny about that!

“Is there a word for the opposite of the euphemism treadmill, where people call ordinary things by worse and worse names trying to get an emotional reaction out of people?” — comment from Hacker News

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Cezary Gesikowski

Human+Artificial Intelligence | Photography+Algography | UX+Design+Systems Thinking | Art+Technology | Philosophy+Literature | Theoria+Poiesis+Praxis