Indeed, replacing 'value' with 'the means of production' unveils an echo of historical manifestos, hinting at deeper societal underpinnings. The narrative extends beyond a mere 'victory' for creators; it delves into the broader arena of how we mould not just labour, but societies at large. Consider substituting 'crafting words into compelling narratives' with 'moulding plastic resin into tangible forms'. Both scenarios, whether producing an action-hero narrative or figurine, pivot on a common axis: minimizing costs while maximizing profits.
The emergence of AI as a new facet of technology doesn't just alter the production landscape; it challenges the quintessence of humanity. It's a fresh iteration of the age-old 'essence of technology,' now pitted against the 'essence of humanity,' a discourse well-articulated in Heidegger's 'Question Concerning Technology'. The real dialogue ought to orbit around preparing for this impending dialectic, nurturing a society resilient to the allure of mere technological advancement while staying rooted in human-centric values. This, in essence, is the profound conversation awaiting us.