David, your comment is a fascinating deep dive into the implications of embodiment and real-world experience for AI development—and your passion for the topic is palpable! The spectre of 'uncontrollable intelligence that leads to economic ruin for all but an elite few' echoes long-standing inequality and power concentration critiques.
While I share your concern about AI's rapid advancement and its potential to disrupt society, it's worth noting that we do have systems in place—however imperfect and beleaguered—that aim to counteract such imbalances. Whether they can rise to meet this new challenge is another matter, but I'd argue the game isn't over just yet.
As for Optimus and its adventures on uneven terrain, let's hope these machines are as careful navigating our cities as they are our hillsides. If nothing else, we might at least be in for some interesting viral videos before the dystopia sets in.